Friday, July 27, 2012

Flora or Fauna?

Conservation of species is one important step in preserving and conserving specific type of habitat. Different types of habitat in the Philippines from marine to terrestrial habitats are already on the state of decline and degradation. Most Filipinos in our time are still speechless and irresponsible and unresponsive to the different issues of the state of the Philippine environment. Struggle for scientific, patriotic and responsible and sustainable use of resources for the benefits of Filipinos are already visible in the fronts of our society. The issue of nationalizing mining industries for national industrialization is one major step towards a nationalist, progressive economy for the Filipinos. As long as the self centered individuals are the one's ruling the government, the struggle better protection of the environment will continue.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

BCFASU-ADLO: The Genuine Union of Brokenshire College Faculty and Staff

Brokenshire College Faculty and Staff Union - Association of Democratic Labor Organizations (BCFASU-ADLO) was established to uphold the rights of the rank and file employees of Brokenshire College. Finally, a genuine, patriotic and progressive union has landed in the portals of Brokenshire. Employees democratic rights are finally manifested. People's struggle for genuine and just working environment can be now realized with the proper guidance and commitment of the members of the union to create a just, responsible, working environment in the college.