Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Philippine Sailed Finned Lizard

Scientific name: Hydrosaurus pustulatus 

Common Name/s:
English Crested Lizard, Sail-fin Lizard, Sailfin Water Lizard, Soa-soa Water Lizard

Habitat and Ecology: This semi-aquatic species is generally restricted to riparian vegetation present in lowland tropical moist forests (both primary and secondary) to open cultivated areas. It is probably omnivorous, and is associated with certain food trees. It appears to have a preference for particular shrubs and trees as resting places (often overhanging water), and is usually collected from these. This is an oviparous species that buries eggs within river banks.

Major Threat(s):The threats to the two species of Hydrosaurus in the Philippines are generally very similar. Populations appear to be principally threatened by habitat loss, often the conversion of wooded land to alternative uses (including agriculture), and through logging operations. In addition, animals (especially hatchlings) are heavily collected for both the pet trade (national and possibly international) and local consumption. Because of inter-island trade, there is some possibility of introduced animals mixing with indigenous populations. In some parts of is range it is additionally threatened by water pollution resulting from the use of agrochemicals and increased sedimentation.


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